One shitty thing being here is I never had a friend in Hong Kong, so I pretty much have no social interactions.
It's not like I will die, but it sure makes life quite boring when you run out of entertainment to turn to,
such as movies, games, television programmes, etc.
As usual, I looked through photos of times in Singapore, and I also read cards given to me.
I can't really remember which card Tania wrote in, or she simply shouted it in my face (?!)
She told me to update my blog so she can read lol.
I can understand what she mean now since I myself look forward to a new post from here because it means
more stories to read.
So..although it's been a really long time since that happening night..
Prom Night 2013
After a really draggy cycle of mugging, sleeping, wake up and mug again, A's ended and prom night approaches. I still remember how I didn't really want to go because there wasn't a good response from the class initially. Furthermore, Jo Ann (even after much convincing) didn't want to go x.x EVEN AFTER SPONSORSHIP MAN haha. Anyway, decided to go after some convincing from Tania and seeing that a bigger portion of the class is going. Managed to convince Jo Ann to come for the post-prom party we have on our own as a class.
In the day, I went to dye my hair. Jo Ann, even though she's not going, kept saying, 'YOLO' and tell me how it'll be fun bla bla bla. Well I did want to see how I look like in brown hair long ago but...I wouldn't have dared to if not for her constant 'encouragement'. Well my parents knew nothing until they saw my prom photos. Oh well too late..! Haha. Not like they objected though (not after I already did it) but I subtly talk about dying it again and my mum said, 'Don't la you know it harms your hair..!!!' True, but I know you simply don't want me to dye because you don't like. Of course, I myself wasn't intended to dye some very bright color like gold or what not. I actually chose a brown that wasn't too light in colour. Those type that can see a bit in the dark and more obvious in the sunlight.
Here's a photo of my virgin black hair being dyed brown.
There was something I forgot. When you first dye your hair, the color will be quite a bit brighter than what you wanted. After you washed your hair for some'll fade to your desired hair color. So..what happened is...
A very extreme orange brown? It's more orange than this photo!
Really damn shocked at the salon after the person washed off the dye. It wasn't the color that I wanted at all!
It's not like I can't do with it but..yeah. Just shocked.
Went to JoAnn's place to slack with her for the noon before meeting up with Tania because I was supposed
I was gonna cab from Tampines, and she needed a ride. Jo Ann started playing with the foundations she had apply it on my face, complaining about how my skin is bad, this and that. Oh well. She had a share of fun.

Looking at this picture I thought I really should have adjusted my tie before taking the photo. Credit to Melissa (:
We reached the place after a bit of chatting and went up to the room Cindy's mum kindly booked for our post-prom party. The rest of the girls were inside dolling up haha. The more 'memorable ones' are Cindy being a noob and requested help from Mel who er...I guess we don't trust with detailed work because she's usually so blur :P Tania went to help out a bit in a while before Mel ruins Cindy's face :]
Don't ask me, I don't know why the picture is blurred as well. Nicolas and Ziyi here got the kiddy pose haha
So we have our dinner. Sat with Tania, Hannah, Cindy, Melissa, and a mix of another class including GJ, while the rest of the class sat at one table. It was quite cold there, and noisy of course. The food was quite nice.
Mel and Emily got the lucky letter to go up on the stage but turns out they're not the lucky ones out of all the er..lucky ones. Okay.
After the whole dinner..everyone was partying. They played music in front and everyone went in to like dance. We also did mass dance one last time haha. Jo Ann came in around this time and mix in into the crowd haha. Well prom technically is over already anyway (:
More photos with le pretty and handsome ones.
So after post prom! Party doesn't end here!
All of us went back into the room and we started our party with..helium gas.
Aqilah and Hui Ting brought up balloons, and Si Yuan actually went to suck up the helium gas to try out the change in voice. That was damn funny haha!
After that started the most crazy part..we bought alcohols, so we started mixing for cocktails and started playing games where losers have to drink.
I've always thought there's a flaw to this game. For people who wants to drink, winning is losing, losing is winning, because losers 'get to drink'. Lol Cindy I'm talking about you, don't be shy. Haha.
Cindy practically went insane after a few cups..and started using the Carl's Jr ginormous cup to drink.
She smashed into beds and chairs...and started feeling unwell in the toilet afterwards.
Then came puking haha. What a reckless drinker.
In contrast Melissa who actually drank quite a bit while no one was really looking (lol) isn't the least bit drunk because she drank slowly and kept drinking water in between (noticed by Jo Ann) SKILLS.
Hmm. Kudos to Cindy for the entertainment though haha although she told me in the face before we started, 'I WON'T GET DRUNK NOOB JUSTIN'
Says who. Haha!
Slept really late..and woke up damn early. Sort of like had an hour's sleep only. Insanity.
Went out for breakfast at Mac's..I didn't know Tania was supposed to join us so..the group just left her to sleep with Cindy (She got a bit drunk afterwards too but don't worry, they did nothing :P )
That marks the end of the fun and wild night..! Thanks for all the memories (:
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