Friday, 27 April 2012

SLV (27/04/2012)

SLV was certainly enriching.
I really like to interact with kids (ah, Deon insisted that they are clients, not kids)
Oh to hell with that, this isn't business!
ANYWAY it was really nice, knowing that even we can do something to make a difference in these people's life.
The people in the moral home.
They anticipate our arrival, they looked out the windows for us as we walked to the home.
So the day began, we started off with lots of greetings, and maybe some commotions.
A guy is in love with Tania and a few more others..?
More on Tania though, it might have been a scary thing for her in SLV.
Feel sorry for her, maybe she should have messed up her hair or something, or get panda eyes. LOL
Right, so last night, I spent hours boiling and peeling and mashing 60 eggs.
I complained a lot, really.
Was feeling like crap, wanted to sleep and do some revision before that but they were all postponed due to preparation for egg sandwiches today.
But after today, I thought it was all worth it.
They enjoyed the egg mayo sandwiches. Their smile and desire for more made my day.
I would gladly prepare more food for them, there are such sincere and innocent individuals.
Some of them are ourselves that we have lost with the passage of time.
It's good to be able to see ourselves in the past again.
When the day ended, we took many pictures. It was really fun, and memorable. A pity that it can't be uploaded.

We went to Hui Zhen's house for PW (OMGSOHIONGAH)
Haha it was amazing, her house had so many pets!!!! BIRDS AND DOGS WOOF CHIRP BLA BLA BLA!
Forest home haahahaha!
Anyway we discussed, eliminated PIs and decided on the upcoming course of action to take on finalizing which PI to use.
It's going to be hectic and tiring, but lets stay strong and survive through it.
We ended the day with some photo taking!!! OH YEAH, that was the bit of fun we get within the short period of time hahaha!! But guess what. I DIDN'T SAVE THE PHOTOS. OMG KILL ME NOW
Damn it, I'm so gonna take more photos in the next meeting when my com's around =D

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